and Stress

I was to design an editorial infographic for social media based around any subject I pleased. I chose to do it on the relationship of memory and stress as mental health is important to me and I was curious as to what the effects were. I designed this for Instagram, doing a swiping carosel format. The asthetic came from my own personal sense as it was apt for the information.


My initial sketches were done in Procreate. I wanted to get the gist of my ideas down so I could see the ideas that I was working with.

I then inked in where I felt needed more refinement. This also allowed me to figure out where I wanted to stylize things and in what way. For this series of graphics I decided a geometric with exagerated angles was a good fit as it looked stressed which fit the content well. Once I had all my refined sketches I took them into Illustrator to finalize.

When I was in the software I needed to decide on my color palette. Blue is a color people associate with mental health so I decided on that for my primary color. To contrast and compliment I went with orange as my secondary which allowed me point out information I felt was important.